Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Live, Online, God-Focused Youth Pastor Training--Right Now

Check out Positive Action's live feed to today's (5/22) Youth Leader's Café here. The link to the video feed is in the left column.

When we first started talking about these kinds of online training ideas three years or so ago, we could only imagine live chat and perhaps audio at some point. Now the technology makes possible not only a live video stream, but also integration of the lead teacher with audience interaction and PowerPoint presentation.

I had to jump through the technical hoops to paste the URL directly into QuickTime (as the instructions at the link describe), but it wasn't too difficult. Sounds like some browsers link better to QuickTime than others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With Frank coming next month to Wyoming, I will be privileged to meet him for the first time in person.

Look forward to it.
