Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Before You Give Up on the Old Testament . . .

. . . try a volume from John Sailhamer or perhaps this new one from Bruce Waltke. A 1,000+ page hardcover, it's an absolute steal at its current sale price.

I had the opportunity to take several classes from Sailhamer at Southeastern Seminary, and they revolutionized my understanding of the Old Testament. Sailhamer has this to say about Waltke's new OT Theology:
Bruce Waltke’s An Old Testament Theology is truly a great work form the hand and heart of a great evangelical biblical theologian. Bearing the marks not only of hard work and responsible exegesis, but also a lifetime of creative thought and reflection on central biblical texts, Waltke’s Theology will immediately join the ranks as the standard by which evangelical will measure all future publications in this field.

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